
"Selia?" Still facing the window, I open one of my eyes, and sighed at the acknowledgement of my own name. I turned toward him. "What do you want? To annoy me? Or--" He exhaled deeply. "My apologies, for my behavior earlier this morning. To be frank, it doesn't feel that pleasant being around. I love you, that is no lie. But, I feel as if we have nothing in common, like we used to have. I try though, I really do. You must understand." All the while, his eyes were glued to the road. Yet, I caught when his breath hitched, as he spoke lowly. "I do," I turned to face my brother, "I comprehend and I too feel the same way. But don't you think you're lowering your, 'standards' speaking to me like that?" I pursed my lips at him, glaring at him from the frame of my glasses. Though, instead of having that frivolous smirk amongst his slender features, he appeared as if guilty for something, and stayed silent at this. I diverted my gaze, unable to look at him directly anymore. What is wrong with me? The moment that all this tension could have probably been cleared up, I had to alter it into something negative. Why am I so pessimistic? Why am I such a cynic? Why am I so weak? Why am I so arrogant? And pretentious? And hateful? And grudgeful? All the time, I thought, and it was then I realized that I'd been breathing into the window, the mist appearing and disappearing, in a moment's notice. Why was I do tainted?



20 years old

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