I am very good at snowboarding, dancing, running, drumming, acting and most things that I do. I’m have taken that voice that tells people they can’t and made it so it tells me that I can, most people can’t do that so I am very proud of that accomplishment. By doing this I am extremely confident in myself, hence why I do so many things that require confidence. I have noticed that confidence has disappeared from the personalities of my peers and I strive to keep my confidence. I believe that I will one day have lots of money and fame and I am willing to take the time and dedication to make that happen. Nobody ever got anywhere saying they can’t.
I am very good at snowboarding, dancing, running, drumming, acting and most things that I do. I’m have taken that voice that tells people they can’t and made it so it tells me that I can, most people can’t do that so I am very proud of that accomplishment. By doing this I am extremely confident in myself, hence why I do so many things that require confidence. I have noticed that confidence has disappeared from the personalities of my peers and I strive to keep my confidence. I believe that I will one day have lots of money and fame and I am willing to take the time and dedication to make that happen. Nobody ever got anywhere saying they can’t.
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The Ability to See True Internal Emotion
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Football hardship
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