A Second Life

"That shirt is cute! It's super cheap!" Says the girl at the mall. 

“Oooh, I love this, what a steal!" Says the girl thrifting a few months later.

"I used to own that same top!" Says the first girl to the second, but little does she know that that is her top. She didn't like it anymore, so she got rid of it. The other girl enjoyed it too and gave it a second life.

Which is more valuable? The ladder I would say, but even that girl soon has to throw the shirt away. This clothing is not made to last, it's only good for one short life. The only memories that this modern clothing holds is that of blood sweat and tears of the underpaid workers across the world. Yet after all the awful things put into making this shirt, it must be thrown away after a few wears.

You buy it cause its cheap and that’s not on you, but maybe try some second-hand without the plastic fumes.

I am not without my flaws, yes fast fashion is tempting, but I can’t count how many pairs of leggings I had to throw away after wearing them a couple of times because Walmart quality is only temporary, so I try not to buy those leggings, and buy some made to last so that I don’t take the cloths for granted and they have some meaning and a long life, because what is the purpose of clothing if it needs to be replaced so often?

So I wear my clothes until they start to fall apart, and then I repair and try again until they are beyond that point, when I keep the cool ones to up-cycle so that they last even longer, and I’m still not perfect but it is definitely a start to be a bit more conscious and be more like the second girl, so when the clothing falls apart, at least you gave it a second shot.

Posted in response to the challenge Sustainability.



14 years old

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