
Did she really have a choice?
When she found out that the egg she had fought so hard for embedded in her fallopian tube.
Was it really a choice when the other option was death?

Did he really have a choice?
After he was raped and later learned that he'd been inseminated.
Was it really a choice when the other option was being revictimized?

Did they really have a choice?
Living in poverty and unable to provide for themself, much less a child.
Was it really a choice when the other option was making a bad situation worse?

Did she really have a choice?
Being used by the people who she should've been able to trust, who should've protected her.
Was it really a choice when the other option was losing her childhood and possibly her life?

It was a choice.
For the woman who used protection, but it failed.
She had the choice, and she knew what was right for her.

It was a choice.
For the person who had already had two kids but was aware that a third would overwhelm them.
They had the choice and knew that they couldn't handle it.

It was a choice.
For the man who wasn't ready for kids yet.
He had the choice and knew it wasn't time yet.

It was a choice.
For the woman who didn't want kids now or ever.
She had the choice and knew that raising a baby wasn't for her.

Choice or not, it's a decision everyone should have the right to make.



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