A Rather Late Draft

Sorry, for the late draft, I've been traveling the last week or so, and things have just been hetic. 
ALEX enters upstage left. She is followed by HARPER who is examining a map. ALEX crosses to center stage while HARPER lingers behind. ALEX scans the surrounding area while HARPER continues to study the map.

HARPERWelp, it’s official. We’re lost!
ALEX[stops scanning the surrounding area] Don’t be ridiculous we are not-
HARPERLost! We are lost. Dead lost. Alone in a vast sea of wilderness-
ALEXHarper! Stop, being so over dramatic. We are not lost. A little off track maybe but not lost.
HARPERGet over here, look at this map and tell me that! [walks towards ALEX]
ALEXFine, fine, [HARPER hands ALEX the map] but it’s not going to change the fact that we’re not [examines map]... okay so we might be a little lost but-HARPERHa! I knew it. I knew it! We’re lost. Oh god, we’re lost. [HARPER paces rapidly back and forth behind ALEX, as ALEX begins to move downstage] Where’s Felix and Ellie? Are they lost too? Or-or worse? What if they got swept away by a river? Or they fell from a tree? Or-or what if a bear got them?ALEXHarper, breathe! They’re probably fine. I don’t imagine they were climbing any trees, and a bear would only eat them if it was really hungry. Really, I don’t think-HARPERThat’s it! The bear was hungry, or maybe there were two, and they were both hungry. Oh no, we’re surrounded by hungry bears-and we’re all alone and-
ALEXThere are no hungry bears! (calmer) Ellie and Felix are probably fine, we just got a bit separated. We’ll find somewhere to rest, gathering out bearings. Then we’ll head out and look for them, alright?HARPER(Breathes in deeply) Alright, okay. That seems good. But, where are we going to rest?ALEX(looks around) How about here?HARPERHere?ALEXYeah, I mean it’s perfectly nice isn’t it? We can stay here for a bit, and rest.
HARPERYou’re right. You’re right. [ALEX moves to sit down downstage center, behind her HARPER begins shifting through her camping gear] Besides while we’re doing this I can start looking over the map, maybe I can get an idea of where we are. Then, once that’s figured out we can try and to get to the main road, and once we’re there we can signal a car and get some help for Ellie and Felix. Ah ha, yes, that’s perfect!ALEXYeah, I mean you could do that...orHARPEROr?ALEXOr… we could stay here for a bit. It’s nice out, and it could do us some good to rest our legs. I mean there’s no gaurentee that if we leave here, will find Ellie and Felix. We can stay here for a bit and regain our strength, then we can go after them. 
HARPER(scoffs) You can’t be serious.ALEXWhat?
HARPERWhat do you mean what? You want us to just abandon them?
ALEXThat’s not what I was saying- we will go after them Harper- I just, going after them right now isn’t going to help anyone. We’re tired, and we don’t know where we are, or where we’re going-
HARPEROur friends are out there right now, lost and alone. We have to find some way to help them.
ALEXYes, yes, of course! I wasn’t suggesting- I mean, it’s just, well, we’re no better off right now are we? 
HARPERWhat?ALEXWe’re lost and alone too Harper. We don’t know where we are, what good is finding them, if none of us know how to get back. We’ve found ourselves a nice little clearing, I say we just enjoy it.HARPEREnjoy it? How we can enjoy it, while our friends are stuck wandering through the woods?
ALEXWould us leaving, help them any?HARPERNo but-ALEXThen why should we?HARPERBecause-because, it doesn’t feel right to just sit here while they’re out there struggling.
ALEXIf we go back for them, we could all just become more lost.
HARPERAt least we’d be together.
ALEXWhat use is being together in misery? If they were in our position you’d want them to rest wouldn’t you? Besides, us leaving here is a guarantee we’ll find them.HARPERYou’re just being selfish.
ALEXI’m being pragmatic.HARPERIf we don’t do something the situation won’t get better.ALEXDoing something might make it worse.HARPERWe can’t stay here forever.ALEXI agree, but what harm will resting do?HARPERIt’s not right for us to rest, if they’re sufferingALEXAnd our suffering won’t fix their’s.HARPERYou’re impossible.ALEXI’m pratical.

[HARPER scoffs then moves to sit, with her back to ALEX and the two are silent for awhile. ALEX places her bag in front of her and unzips it, removing a bottle of water which she hands to HARPER. HARPER drinks some then motions to her backpack]
ALEXHmm?HARPERThe map, you have it don’t you? [ALEX fumbles with her gear for a moment before nodding] Can I have it? [ALEX begins to hand her the map then pauses]ALEXWhy do you want it?HARPERI’m going to try and find where we are.ALEXI thought we were resting.HARPERWe can do both can’t we?
ALEXYeah, I suppose. [ALEX tosses HARPER the map. HARPER immediately starts to look it over]. I can’t imagine it’ll do much good though.
HARPER[HARPER looks up from the map] And why do you think that?ALEXYou wrere pouring over that thing for hours before we got here, and we’re still lost. Besides, even if we did manage to locate this place, where would we go? We don’t know where Ellie and Felix are.
HARPERThere’s a road not far from here, at least I think that’s here, hold on [HARPER goes back to studying the map]
ALEXSee, you have no idea where we are!HARPERAt least I’m trying something.ALEXYou’re just bringing problems here. Set down the map, and relax. There’s no use in tiring yourself out, while we’re here. We’ll be just as lost either way.HARPERFor your information I’ve found our location. [HARPER stands up and begins to gather together her gear].
ALEXOh?HARPERMhm, we’re right there [HARPER traces a rather large area]-nope wait there.
ALEXUh huh.HARPERLook, I think I’ve found a way to the road. You coming or not?
ALEXI think I’ll wait here just a bit more.HARPERAlright suit yourself

[HARPER collects her stuff and exits stage right. ALEX begins to look over and gather up her things, when HARPER renters stage left]
ALEXFound the road yet?HARPERI give up, these woods are impossible to navigate! [HARPER moves downstage to sit next to ALEX] Maybe you’re right, and we should just stay here.ALEXIt certainly is nice. There’s no brambles.HARPEROr bears.ALEXIt’s peaceful.

[HARPER and ALEX are silent for a while]HARPERIf- I mean when, we leave here…ALEX
There will be brambles.HARPERBears too?ALEX
Unlikely, but it’s possible I suppose.HARPERI just wish we could make the rest of the woods like this. Then we could go search for Felix and Ellie, without the brambles and the bears.ALEXWe can’t though. This is what we have.HARPERIt’s not fair, you know.ALEXThe world rarely is.HARPERThat doesn’t mean we just lie down and accept it. Especially if others don’t have that choice.
ALEXWhat good does our struggle do them? We can hardly clear all the brambles from these woods.HARPERWe should at least try shouldn’t we?ALEXWe could try with all our might to clear brambles from the trail. We could clear brambles until all our flesh is mangled and torn, and more would still grow.HARPERBut if we could find what makes them not grow here, if we could cultivate that in the rest of the forrest, we might be able to prevent them from growing.ALEXOr they’d adapt and grow everywhere. Is that worth the risk of this place becoming over run by them?
HARPERIt just feels so wrong to not try. What about Felix and Ellie, I mean you want them to be somewhere like this don’t you?
ALEXOf course! I just- there’s not guarentee that us leaving here right now will help them.
HARPERSo what we just sit and wait here?ALEXThis may be the only place like this for a long time. Shouldn’t we take it all in while we have the chance?
HARPERI suppose, but how do we know when it’s time to leave?ALEXI guess we’ll just have to figure that out for ourseleves. HARPER gives a short nod, and the two lie back down and rest for awhile. ALEX stands up and begins gathering together gear, HARPER remains lying down. ALEX glances up towards the sky, and begins to move towards stage right. ALEXI think its time to head out. HARPERAlright [HARPER begins to sit up then stops herself] Just, uh, give me a couple moments, I’ll catch up with you. I just need a rest.
ALEX nods and exits stage right. HARPER remains laying on stage.



Icarus Blackmore


YWP Alumni

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