
The assignment is due in a couple months

Will the results be good or bad?

Either way I have plenty of time

I’ll work on it later.


1 month left

Still lots of time

Have other things to do

I’ll work on it later.


2 weeks left

Maybe I should start?

Begins and doesn’t really get anywhere

I’ll work on it later.


1 week left

Coming up soon

One of three projects needed soon, should balance work

Still not so much done, so I’ll work on it later.


3 days left

Too soon

Staying up all night

Not enough time to work on it later


2 days left

Nearly done

Just need to do this, and this, and this, and this…

More work needed, can't finish it now


Last day

Finishing details

Half baked product

Can only hope its good enough


I should have done it earlier

I could have done it better

An egregious result, a mark on your reputation

Results of procrastination



13 years old

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