
The sleek gray metal of the bench chills my legs

It always has-

Even when my dad and I used to watch the sun sink into the night

I wonder if the cold brought him the same solace that it brings me


Pink and orange unfurl across the blank canvas of the pearly sky

Did he see the cloud's beauty in the same way I did?

I doubt it


My dog resides next to me, her thick golden fur a barrier between her and the cold frame

I wonder if she can feel the chilled metal beneath her,

I doubt it 


A breeze rolls through

Making the hair on my arm stand like a soldier stuck in attention

I should’ve brought a sweatshirt


A jogger passes by

Her face red like the stop sign she’d just passed

I bet she enjoys the breeze


A grassy hill sprawls before me

It seemingly begs me to roll down its slope

I just might


From a distance I spot an elderly couple strolling along a path

I wonder if they feel the same urge to tumble down the hill

I doubt it


I like this bench

The homes around me offer a sense of security.

My dad always wished it was only nature 


I love the continuous buzz of the insects around me

The rhythm is rather enthralling 

But they don’t know that


Do the houses around me open their windows

To invite this melodic hum into their homes?



Three letters are spray painted bentith me


I’ve had my theories in the past


Maybe it's a hidden message?

Or perhaps a riddle

I’ll never really know




I craft a tale for all who accompany me

Some I tell it’s a secret

Some I tell it's a message


Most I let imagine 


A car rolls by

A person inside

A person in a car


Nothing more


As the car passes by it sees me

A man

Alone on a bench,

Nothing more





Jack Savas


19 years old

More by Jack Savas

  • Silence

    I've always been fascinated that since the moment I was born there had always been cars driving, birds chirping, and people talking. Every second of my life, this unrelenting continuum of sound and movement somewhere out in the world.
  • Clouds


    What baffles me is how vastly under appreciated they are,
    from the ground, their beauty sprawls out for miles
    the pearly white presence provides comfort for anything residing below
  • Slipping

    Time must be slipping through the cracks of reality

    That has to be the only explanation 
    Every day I do the same thing

    I wake up, stare mindlessly at a screen for a while