Out of the Woods-- Final

CHARACTERS: ALEX: A young woman. She is wary of things and often feels the need to escape her troubles by venturing into the woods. She feels that since she cannot solve anything by being outside the woods where she feels comfortable, she might as well enjoy the freeing nature of the forrest, and not worry herself. She would rather live with something imperfect, than risk loosing the good aspects of it.
HARPER: Is a young woman. Harper is more excitable and energetic. She is not comfortable in the woods. She feels that the troubles they are facing are easily solvable and believes that they should head back and face them.
FELIX and ELLIE are two friends with whom they were hiking who got separated from them.

SETTING: A clearing in the woods
AT CURTAIN RISE: ALEX enters upstage left. She is followed by HARPER who is examining a map. ALEX crosses to center stage while HARPER lingers behind. ALEX scans the surrounding area while HARPER continues to study the map.

HARPERWelp, it’s official. We’re lost!
 ALEX[stops scanning the surrounding area] Don’t be ridiculous we are not-
HARPERLost! We are lost. Dead lost. Alone in a vast sea of wilderness-
ALEXHarper! Stop, being so over dramatic. We are not lost. (pause) A little off track maybe but not lost.
HARPERGet over here, look at this map and tell me that! [walks towards ALEX]
ALEXFine, fine, (HARPER hands ALEX the map) but it’s not going to change the fact that we’re not ... (examines map) ... okay so we might be a little lost but -
HARPERHa! I knew it. I knew it! We’re lost. Oh god, we’re lost.(HARPER paces rapidly back and forth behind ALEX, as ALEX begins to move downstage) Where’s Felix and Ellie? Are they lost too? Or worse? What if they got swept away by a river? Or they fell from a tree? Or-or a bear got them?
ALEXHarper, breathe! They’re probably fine. I don’t imagine they were swimming in any rivers, or  climbing any trees, and bears don’t just eat people willy nilly...a bear only eat them if it was really, really hungry, and even then-
HARPERThat’s it! The bear was hungry-
HARPER-or maybe there were two-two hungry bears-
ALEXHarper I don’t think that-
HARPERThey-they planned this. They got Felix and Ellie and now, now they’re coming for us!
ALEXThere are no hungry bears! (calmer) Ellie and Felix are probably fine, we just got a bit separated.
HARPER(Breathes in deeply) Okay, okay. You’re right. Panicking won’t do any good. We need to be calm if we’re going to find them tonight.
ALEX(winces) Yeah… about that…
ALEXIt’s getting dark and I-I just, it’s not going to do us any good to look for them now.
HARPERWhat are you suggesting?
ALEXI think we should rest our legs a bit, make a fire and maybe… (lowers voice) stay here for the night
HARPERAbsolutely not!
ALEXHarper, calm down-
HARPERNo, no, no! We are not just leaving our friends out there in the woods, all alone, to-to sleep!
ALEXThey could be doing the same right now. Do you really want to spend our whole night wandering through the woods?
HARPERWhat if they need us right now? What if they end up suffering because of us? Because we chose to stay here.
ALEXWe may not be able to help them regardless. I can hardly even see the map anymore.
HARPERWe’ll get out our flashlights.
ALEXWhat if the batteries run out and we’re stranded in the dark?
ALEXThis is the most practical solution Harper, admit it.
HARPERWhere would we even stay?
ALEX(looks around) How about here?
ALEXYeah, I mean it’s spacious, I don’t see too many brambles, or rocks. We can make a campfire right there (ALEX points to a spot in the middle of the stage)
HARPERFine, fine. But tomorrow we set out to find them.
ALEXOf course.
HARPERI’m going to start planning our route.
 (HARPER kneels down and looks over the map, occasionally making a note. ALEX begins to cast aside her gear and prepare a fire. HARPER reluctantly sits down. She keeps her gear close to her. Abruptly HARPER stands up casting the map aside. ALEX notices, stops making a fire and turns to her)
ALEXAre you alright?
HARPERWe need to leave!
ALEXWhat why?
HARPERThere are ants here!
ALEXAnts? Where? [ALEX begins to move over to HARPER]
HARPERRight there. [HARPER points upstage, as she continues to frantically brush her arms and legs off. ALEX approaches the spot where she pointed, puzzled]
ALEXI don’t see them.
HARPERWhat do you mean you don’t see them?
ALEXI mean I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t see any ants.
HARPERHow can you not see them, they’re right there.
ALEXI just don’t see them.
HARPERWell, they were all over me a second ago. [HARPER resumes her frantic brushing] In fact I think there are still on me.
ALEXYou sure that’s not just your imagination?
HARPERVery. God they’re all over me.
ALEXWhy don’t you come sit over here by me. I don’t see any over here.
HARPER(grumble) That’s exactly the problem.
HARPERNothing! I-just, you dragged us on this stupid hike and-you-you (pause) you just-you pretend problems aren’t there, when they are, and I just--why can’t you just take some responsibility?
ALEXResponsibility? You think I need to take responsibility?
ALEXI’m not the one who wants to go running off into the woods because of some damn ants!
HARPERThat’s not fair-
ALEXOh yes it is! I mean sure, maybe at times I do overlook things, but that’s better than finding problems where there are none. Why can’t you accept the possibility that maybe, for once, just for once, things are outside of your control.
HARPERYou’re just afraid.
ALEXYou’re convinced a pack of hungry bears is out to get our friends.
HARPERI never said-
ALEXYou’re paranoid, and dramatic, and you won’t even consider the possibility that maybe there’s no grand conspiracy, or villian for us to fight against. (pause) Maybe the world just doesn’t care.
HARPERIs that what you believe?
HARPERI’m sorry.
ALEXDon’t be. It’s not some tragedy. It’s just how things are.
HARPERI don’t- I mean - (HARPER pauses and stops herself) You think Ellie and Felix are okay?
ALEXHonestly?(HARPER nods)I don’t know.
HARPERYou think they will be?
ALEXI really don’t know.
HARPERI’m scared, you know? For them (pause) and for us.
ALEXWe’re safe for now.
HARPERBut what happens when we leave? There may not be packs of ravenous bears out to get us, but there will still be steep hills, brambles, and bugs…
ALEXIt won’t do us any good to think of that now.
HARPERI suppose not...still it all just seems so unfair. That we get to be somewhere like here, while they’re stuck out there.
ALEXSo much is unfair. We won’t help it any by getting up now.
HARPERWe can’t do anything sitting here, either.
ALEXWe can rest. That’s something.
(HARPER and ALEX move to sit down.)
HARPERI hope Ellie and Felix get a chance to rest wherever they are.
ALEXI hope so, too.
HARPERThis place isn’t so bad you know?
ALEXYou think so?
ALEXYou’re not still bothered by the ants?
HARPERI’ll live. (HARPER yawns tiredly.)
ALEXI’m sorry.
HARPERFor what?
ALEXFor getting us lost. You’re right. I’m the one who dragged us on this stupid hike anyways. It’s my fault Felix and Ellie are lost.
HARPERThere were circumstances outside your control.
ALEXMaybe, I still should have thought ahead more. I should have known we could get lost, I was being reckless and stupid and-
HARPERYou found us this clearing. That’s enough. [HARPER rubs her eyes, and begins to slump down]
ALEXMaybe. [ALEX begins to build a fire again] But I’m scared for them too you know.
ALEXFelix and Ellie. I’m worried about them too.
HARPER[HARPER yawns, and falls down to the forest floor] Ah yeah, yeah.
ALEXI just- ... I don’t know what will happen to us outside this clearing, and maybe you’re right to be bugged by the ants here and to want to push on. But now I’m so worried. Nothing’s gone according to plan, and what happens if we go on, and we get even more lost? What happens if we can’t find Felix or Ellie, and we lose our way, and can’t get back here either? I know this place isn’t perfect and I know we’ll have to move on eventually but … I’m just so, so scared Harper. You’re probably right, we should try and solve this tonight, but I’m so tired. And the world isn’t against us, but it isn’t for us either. I just don’t have the energy to fight it right now. I just want to stay here for a night, and forget all about the brambles, and the bears outside of here. I just want to forget the ants, and forget about tomorrow, and I know I’m rambling on but we’ve found a place where we’re safe, and those are so rare. I don’t want to leave it.(HARPER snores slightly)
Harper? Harper? Are you awake? (ALEX moves over to prod HARPER and see if she is awake. Seeing that she is asleep ALEX withdraws.) Ah, that’s probably for the best…
(ALEX walks over to her bag and retrieves a blanket which she lays across HARPER. She then lays down a little away from her, staring up at the sky. Slowly she closes her eyes)



Icarus Blackmore


YWP Alumni

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