For so long, I have listened to others, others' opinions, others' words. I have heard them speak, I have heard them debate, and I have only wished a single thing, to be able to know what I agree with.
Bittersweet is the feeling of something sweet but with a hint of sadness and pain mixed in. And if you asked how does bittersweet taste like I would say...
Unlike the people who swear social media is satan's spawn, a endless spiral of doom and self hatred that can only result in feeling awful about yourself, I don't believe that social media has had a more negative influence on my life than it has a pos
There's sometihng speical aobut sititng down together and creating something where there was nothing. WIth a pencill, paper,a nd a few dice, my friends and I write a story in the air.
My favorite color is periwinkle. It’s like lavender, but more blue, more dreamy, with more cumulus mixed in, that is to say it’s not at all like lavender.
The Olympics come around every four years to remind us of things like patriotism and the perseverance of the human spirit. But in the time of Covid, do sports still have uniting power they once held?
A friendship of opposites. At first thought, it seems unusual, yet possible. We have all heard the age-old saying, “opposites attract,” but does that apply to friendships?
People change quite a bit. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Many people wonder what changes people. I think the people are the main reason people change.