New Year’s Eve

Flashing colors light the sky

Staring at the clock waiting on

The clock ticks and tocks

One year can be everything


Staring at the clock waiting on

Resolutions passed back and forth

One year can be everything

They go on about

Resolution passed back and forth

I try to reflect as

They go on about

Being healthier, being strong, being kinder


I try to reflect as

Flashing colors light the sky 

Being healthier, being stronger, being kinder

The clock ticks and tocks


Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



13 years old

More by Narnia_Monsters

  • Voice

    Every time 

    I try to speak

    My voice is trapped

    Stuck between reality

    And imagination

    Between my mind 

    And my throat 


    Stuck in a loop

    Unable to reach beyond