You blink
Than once again
I can tell
Not much goes on in you head
You move your fins
Back and forth
Never thinking
About anything else
Do you miss the time
When you were large and fierce
Making all other species scarce
Do you miss your giant exterior
Devouring everything in sight
Instead of munching on miniature flaky food
One bite at a time
Or was your long, tall tail
Really just a tall tale
Were your keen taper teeth
A ploy to mislead
Are you dwelling in the times
When you would hunt and pray
Or do thoughts
Just slide off your head
The oblivion of your eye
Stares back at me
Slowly you blink
Saying nether
Yes nor no
Keeping me wondering
As you slowly
Open your eye
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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