A New Year- a Tiny Writes Conversation

This is inspired by Treblemaker's post "Boop. A Tiny Writes Conversation". Also, I'm sorry for changing a little bit of the wording from the original text on Tiny Writes. I had to make it more "poetic".

A little "poem" of rhyming created on Tiny Writes as a "Goodbye!" to 2020:

It's almost the end of this horrific year!
I think this calls for lots of cheer!
Hurray! A new beginning is almost near,
let's jump into it without any fear!

Lot's of laughter – can't you hear?
And many smiles, not one tear!
Let all the misfortune disappear,
give a toast and raise your glass of beer!

Written by Roses, Treblemaker, Moonsand, Crescent_Moon, dogpoet and Mysticat.



17 years old

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  • if i looked closer

    reference_if i looked closwer

    clouds chase and shift after each other,
    streaks of mauve and porcelain,
    breezing along the icy blue sky.
    peaks rose before them,
    like a sandcastles yet to be molded
  • forever young

    forever young.
    dandelions, feathers,
    floating in the sky,
    look up, sir,
    we’re going high

    forever young.
    treated like children,
    expected to be adults,
    you’ve lived your life,
    now let us live ours
  • Tired

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    No, I don’t feel its warmth.
    Yes, I sense the wind. Cool.
    No, I don’t take pleasure in the breeze.
    Yes, I can see the view. Pretty.
    No, I’m not delighted.

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