forever young

forever young.
dandelions, feathers,
floating in the sky,
look up, sir,
we’re going high

forever young.
treated like children,
expected to be adults,
you’ve lived your life,
now let us live ours

forever young.
and we care about friends,
so what?
and we wanna have fun,
so what?

forever young.
blame us for drugs,
mock the drunk,
“get yourself together”,
well you never did.

forever young.
moody? no.
angry? never.
disappointed? yes.
stressed? always.

forever young
riots, mobs, protests,
danger, ire, rage,
bands, beer, parties
connotations, assumptions.

forever young.
wrote in your texts,
in your book,
flip the page,
just take a look

forever young.
rowdy teens, yes?
pointless, idiotic, yes?
maybe we’ve got something to say,
maybe you’ll get it if you listen.

forever young.
‘till you’ve made us old,
shown us the dark side
of the moon that never existed,
think you know what’s best?

forever young.
you and i,
brother and sister,
forever, we are young.

until we’re not.



17 years old

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    reference_if i looked closwer

    clouds chase and shift after each other,
    streaks of mauve and porcelain,
    breezing along the icy blue sky.
    peaks rose before them,
    like a sandcastles yet to be molded
  • Tired

    Yes, I see the sun. Nice.
    No, I don’t feel its warmth.
    Yes, I sense the wind. Cool.
    No, I don’t take pleasure in the breeze.
    Yes, I can see the view. Pretty.
    No, I’m not delighted.

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