A Mountain of Happiness

Happiness is the reward of tears. Happiness is the sweet after the sour. The pursuit of happiness is not a short one. The reward of happiness is not simply given out. There is a different road for each person that they must forge with their own time. One might say that they are happy because they have happiness given to them, but they don’t understand that the happiness handed to them is a trojan horse. That source of happiness could all end that very night, like a tower that is small at the bottom but heavy at the top.

Happiness is to be remembered for something positive. If one needs to hide something they did to enjoy that five minute period of careless freedom, it is not happiness they are experiencing. If one needs to put others at danger or put others in pain for happiness, it is not happiness they are experiencing. It is the ticking time bomb, similar to the trojan horse. It is the hate that they are building up that will eventually destroy all their happiness. You must be the one that is the one hating, and suffering, and in constant pain to eventually be the one experiencing true happiness.

It might seem like only the ones that are experiencing happiness are the ones you will never become and never surpass. You think you are the one doing the most work, and getting the least happiness, but if you take a step back, maybe you realize that isn’t quite so. Maybe if you just stop lingering on the small things and just ignore them, you’ll experience more happiness than the average person. A grain of anger or guilt could topple a whole mountain of happiness, but if you don’t let that grain hit your mountain of happiness, there will be more room for progress.



15 years old

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