A message to the Out-Goers

How can you? 

I’m tired of asking the world that. I’m tired of watching people I care about make stupid decisions. I’m tired of hoping that things will get better. Most of all, I’m tired of watching my country fail. And we are failing. The work that some people have put in to stay home, stay safe, wear a mask, wipe things down, and be respectful of others has turned out completely irrelevent. We try hard to set an example for you, and yet you disregard us. For all that we’ve done, we do not exist because unfortunetly it hasn’t changed things. I was hopeful at one point, I think, but that was when people weren’t dying by the thousands. Now I’m just angry. 

And as much as I hate it, I understand why you’ve emerged from your homes. Humans are like sponges - they suck up social interactions like water, but soon that moisture evaporates, leaving you wanting more, more, more. And so the cycle begins. Believe me, I really want to go out and see people, but I can’t. Doing so exposes me to this virus, which in turn exposes other people to the virus and this, folks, is exactly why we are still in a pandemic. Picture this: One person has a thick glob of paint on their hand. They touch someone else and oh! Now that person has paint on them. Can you see where this is going? 

But then again, what can I possibly say that hasn’t been said already? After all, I’m just a 13-year-old kid. Well, I can say this: Stay home. I know it’s hard. I know you don’t want to but honey, that’s life right now. Suck it up. Believe it or not (and I know it’s simply shocking), but there are other people in the world besides you (!!!). The world does not revolve around you. Oh sure, you are absolutely sure that you won’t get sick because of some “reason," but science is real. Guess what: COVID doesn't care what race you are, what your religious leader says, or what you think. 

Some of us care about the welfare of the world. Do us a favor, and don’t put yourself in situations where you spread paint from person to person. To those of you who are, there’s no polite way to say this: STOP.



18 years old

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