
Love should be a warm blanket 
not a dance over hot coals, crumbs in your bedsheets 
or threatening glances
And if it is a dance, let it be one 
where I am yours and you belong to me. 
but I only ever felt like property.
A dance is a union 
without begging please respect me
A body is a vessel for a soul 
and my soul is not yours to keep
in the name of protection. 
For someone who speaks so highly of permission 
you ignore that it is given or not given,
not a gift, an exchange. 
For someone who longs for union,
your actions betray your true intention, possession. 
I am not a house fire, a flame to be extinguished, 
I am kindling, flickering. 
I have so long to wait to have a body that you never touched, 
let me be a fire that you would regret pouring water on, 
let me dance, 
let me dance my way into a union that meets me where I need to be met 
instead of breaking my bones to fit in your bed. 



18 years old

More by Mercury

  • Who am I

    (spoken word performance)

    I once described myself as a river
    I flow, I change, I fill spaces the way that they need to be filled. 
    I am like a tree, reaching my roots into the ground, the dirt sliding up my skin

  • Storm Warning

    (meant to be read out loud) 

    It came when I didn't expect it, and it cried 
    Like a child, it screamed longer than it should've 
    and I couldn't ignore it, nobody could

  • Time is not on our side

    Whittlers while away time with sticks and knives. 
    Me, I wait with diamonds, scratching lines into the sky. 
    Down, down, down, down, and then one across 
    One for every hour that waiting has cost.