Memories of a Day in the Orchard

Crown of Sonnets

As I reflect on days already gone, 

Ones sweet as the cider that I swallowed,

They seem to match the golden hue sipped on,

But something is amiss, they feel hollowed. 


While I was free back then, now I am bound.

Here I must work instead of flying high 

on swings that will not ever touch the ground,

in constant fear of how I will get by.


My mind will never again be at rest, 

inside of it the battleground will rage. 

The child I was sits heavy on my chest 

Imploring me: “Forget about your age!”


But while recalling what I once guzzled 

I realized, then too I was muzzled 



I realized, then too I was muzzled. 

Only in my memory am I free.

A mirage of senses my mind garbled,

rearranged to make me feel happy.


In deserts with no water, I am left.

Without a break for days, they start to come:

images of better times, ones when I slept

flood in to quench my thirst lest I succumb.


However many flash across my mind

I know it will not be enough to last.

Yet I search for more later to rewind.

Only to be lived then, for life’s too fast. 


But for those who yearn to be untethered:

You must embrace what is around in full. 

Posted in response to the challenge Autumn '24: Writing.



16 years old

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