
Why I hate masks.
Because even though you can, actually breathe,
It still feels like you can't.
It traps me,
Keeping my face from the sun,
And letting me panic in a constant state of not being okay.
Did you ever notice, 
No one can see you smile,
Or frown,
Not even a laugh can escape from the masks.
You have to slip into a corner to fix it because every time you move your mouth,
It falls down a little,
And if someone were to see you fix it,
They would be all pissed off.
For some reason.
You can't blow gum bubbles in a mask,
So the gum just lays there, on the tip of your tongue,
Awkwardly waiting until the mask is taken off.
And the worst part about wearing a mask,
Is having to raise your voice,
And shout at everyone,
Even if your not mad.
Or else the mask,
Will take your already quiet voice,
And make it silent.

It's the cat


18 years old

More by It's the cat

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    I want to build you a castle, even though I can barely use a screw driver.
    I want to write you a song, one that would make you think of me on a whole new level,
    One you could listen to when we're apart.
  • Promise, Someday

    Someday we will hug and kiss like its no big deal,
    Wrap our arms around each other and walk down the street.
    Someday I’ll have a special name, that only you call me,
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  • Always something

    It's always got to be something.
    That one thing that takes the wind out from under your wings making you tremble,
    and fall.
    And it's always the something you generally expect,
    But hoped wouldn't happen.