Little Cat

Open your eyes,
Little cat,
And investigate.
Paw through the dusty treasures of a long forgotten basement.
Knock over an old vase,
Pretending at being a ghost,
Much to the annoyance of your people.
Crawl under a white table cloth,
Thrown carelessly over a chair,
And battle the evil table cloth.
Find the box of Christmas decorations,
And whack a few to the ground.
Climb on a tipsy shelf, 
And create an avanlanche in which you just barely escape.
Chase away the moths from the moth-eaten clothing rack,
And take a tumble smack into an old sofa.
Open your eyes,
Little cat,
In the morning.
But for now,
Just stay curled up in the little wooden apple crate,
That you found yesterday,
When you opened your eyes.

It's the cat


18 years old

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