I'm Lucky.

A little kerplunk! sounds as I drop another rock into the water. I dip my fingers in the rivers ice-cold water to maneuver the stone so that it lets no extra water through my make-shift dam. I step back to admire my work. Rocks are piled in a messy row, creating a little area of calmer water in the river by Mills Riverside Park. I smile. I'm lucky, I know, to have such a place to come and play.

I run over to the path to the main part of the park. My dog, Bo, romps around in the grass. My mom examines a little bud growing in the dirt. I'm halfway down the path to where she is when I come to a sudden halt. Three shiny, bronze pennies lay at the toe of my shoe. I exclaim to my mom and she turns to face me.

"Find a penny, pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck!" she choruses. "And three, that's three times the luck!" She turns and keeps examining the buds. I crouch down to look at the little bronze pennies.

I look at Bo. He rolls around in the grass, a smile on his face. My mom is smiling too, breathing deep in the spring air. A fresh gust of wind blows by, and the river flows in the background. A bird swoops into the sky, taking in the freedom of the clear, blue sky.

I step over all three pennies.

This is a true story. :)



15 years old

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