I Am Young

I am young, 

But if I where a dog I would be in my late 70s

And I have lived for 4x longer than most hamsters

And 170 lifetimes of a fly.

Each day I live is all a mayfly lives in their entire life.

Yet I am young

Because I have lived less than a quarter of my life expectancy.

So I am young,

Because humans die old

And what a privilege that is

To have lived 170 lifetimes of a fly

And still be considered a child.



15 years old

More by bumblebea

  • Today

    Today I've walked around school in a haze

    I don't know what to do 

    How to feel 

    I don't understand

    How he won again

    I don't think I want to understand

  • Halloween

    I miss Halloween

    Not because it changed

    But I did

    I miss going with my parents and my brother

    And stuffing my face with candy

    I miss meticulously planning out a costume

  • The Season of Death

    Death reaches his hands

    Shrivels leaves

    Rips them up

    Soon the ghosts and ghouls will scream

    They've waited all year for Halloween

     But this death is not a scary thought

    In fact it's comforting