Snap, clap, bite
Maybe you'll wake up
to a small mercy raining heavily
on your roof
or maybe you won't.
I don't care. Don't ask me to.
You don't feel the pain
You don't feel the sting
of your palms
and itching of your fingers
the blood on your lips
and the pinch of your nails
in your arms.
Don't come to me with this. You're the one dreaming.
Are you dreaming?
Or is this an elaborate solution, an asinine attempt
at insanity?
Maybe you are insane. It'd make sense.
I actually like sane people.
Are you dying maybe?
The life before the end?
Why are you staring at me?
You’re the odd one out.
You’re unwelcome. You’re the one dreaming.
I live here.
Wake up. If you can.
If you can’t,
better make peace with the locals.
They don’t seem to like you
Get out. We don’t want you here.
This is your dream, but its our home
And you can’t have it.
Blink. The sun is too bright this morning.
Get up. Get standing.
Pray you wake up tomorrow.
Posted in response to the challenge Dreaming.
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