Gather round

Story by Iris Palisson, Main Street Middle School

“Gather round the fireplace, children!” An old man said. “It’s time I told you a story my grandfather told me many years ago…”

“ Maria… Maria… Maria!” said a beautiful young woman with pure blonde hair that fell just below her waist, and bright blue eyes that shone like the ocean. Her pale, white skin stood out in the dark room. She looked as though she were floating, and strutted across the small room to a large window. She drew the curtains, and a bright light filled the room, revealing a suit that looked like an intergalactic suit of armor, so tight on her skin it took her shape. There was a silver star embedded on her chest, while the rest was mostly teal, with black on her sides and inside of her legs.
“Nnnngh. Elsie… Just let me sleep… It’s Saturday…” muttered Maria. She was a tall, young teenage girl with dark hair that fell far below her shoulders and dark skin that glowed like the sun.
“ Does that really make a difference? It’s today! We’re leaving in 40 zets!” Elsie explained excitedly. Maria jolted out of bed and ran into a small bathroom on the left side of the room. She returned in a matter of seconds in a suit that resembled Elsie’s. Maria’s face was young, energetic, but looked worn and tired. They bolted through the door and down several sets of stairs, arriving in a round room. There were controls on one side of the room, just below enormous windows, with nothing but a black abyss beyond. The young women’s boots echoed as they collided with the cold, metal ground.
“ Captain, the soldiers have arrived.” said a young man with dirty blond hair that stopped just above his shoulders.
“Good… yes… very good…” whispered a man on the far side of the room. He turned around, showing years worth of scars and wrinkles. His eyes were as black as the sky behind him, they were captivating, like a black hole, an endless mystery. “ Well then. Off you go. And… I understand you expect me to say something encouraging, but just get back here with at least one of you alive, and report back by Monday.”
Elsie, Maria, and the boy walked out of the room and into a small room with similar looking controls and a row of seats on each side.
“ Jamie. We’ve got to go. You realize the Crultens could be starting a whole empire at the moment.” Maria told the boy.
“ One moment… and… here she goes.” Jamie whispered calmly. The vessel roared to life and they soared across the black sky, although stars were coming into view. A large planet was coming into view, with tall mountains and orangey brown grass.
“ Now remember Maria, this might be-” Jamie explained just as a large bullet came into view. The ship exploded into large pieces, as Maria watched her teammates fall into a large, black ocean.
“ Jamieeeeeeeeeee” she screamed, as her view went black.
“Take her and run! RUN!” a woman shrieked…
“ Aw, come on! Maria…” a young girl laughed…
“ Hey…” a voice asked jokingly…

“Get up! Up!” a raspy voice hissed. Maria’s eyes fluttered open, revealing a small room that was lit by few torches on the walls. A man’s face could be made out in the dark. “ Listen here and listen well. It’s a good thing you actually woke up! We were going to feed you to the rats…”-

“Aaah! You're so gross grandpa!” A little girl shrieked.
“Amelia, dear. Don’t fret! Now, if I shall continue…”

“Rats?” Maria questioned as she attempted to sit up, though chains restrained her.
“ Yes. Rats. They’re… quite large…” the man explained. “ Now, this is very important, and you need to listen. Your life. You’re… immediate memories… they’re a lie.” his voice echoed in the small chamber. “ You have a family, and it’s very important you-”
“NO! I knew it… you’re one of them!” Maria cried.
“ Of course… I should’ve known… I suppose this will convince you.” he said calmly, as he placed his hand on her forehead. Her eyes widened, then rolled back.
Maria was lying on the ground, although she was younger, and the scars of her past had clearly not affected her expression. There were ruins of something not visible, although there only moments before, simply scattered across the ground, shards of its past, gone. A man, eyes were as black as the sky behind him, they were captivating, like a black hole, an endless mystery.
“Come child. We will make use of you… yes… yes…” he muttered as bent over and placed an object on her torso, sucking up an essence from within.

“Aaah! NO! No…” Maria opened her eyes, and she was back in the room with the man. She had been released, and now glanced around the room. She could see the same object as had been used to retrieve her life before. The man’s eyes followed hers, and he walked over to the object.
“Yes… I’m sure you recognize this. I have managed to acquire yours with much hard work.
“You… you mean they did this to other people too?” Maria asked, horrified.
“ Yes now-”
“NO! We’re… we’re going to go save them-”
“I’m afraid that’s out of the question. They’ve all been transported.” Maria was silent, and felt utterly defeated. Somebody then burst into the room, although their face could not be made out in the light. Although, as they move into the light, Elsie and James could be made out.
“Maria!” Elsie exclaimed, relieved. Although the same could not be said for Maria.
“No.” she said blandly.
“Excuse me?” Elsie demanded.
“This. Is. All. A. LIE. Life is a lie. You’re not. Even. Real.” she says so they can understand.
“Oh, what has this monster said to get an idea like that?” she asked, exasperated.
“Oh, well I’m surprised you don’t know!”
“ Maria-” Jamie starts.
“NO!” Maria screamed as suddenly, Elsie morphed into a dark old woman.
“Well then, I’d like to tell you… this is me.” she said, her voice raspy and shallow. Maria looked around horrified, and rushed out of the room, waiting to find out what will happen next.
The End!

“Woah…” a small boy at the end of the room said, mesmerized. “Grandpa… that was… deep.”
“Ha! Dear boy… Please, tell this story to your grandchildren! All of you! And I’m just going to let you in on a little secret! Maria… is your great, great grandmother, although nobody ever found out what happened to her…” he explained as the children gasped. And just then, out of the blue, he winked.

Story by Iris Palisson, 11, Montpelier, submitted by teacher Lauren Chabot, Main Street Middle School

Posted in response to the challenge Gather.



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