
 Gather round the fireplace, kids Grandpa said. It’s time I told you a tale my grandfather told me long ago on a winter night just like this.  When your great-great-grandfather was a young boy his name was Fred he lived in this town called Newport. One day  Fred went for a walk in the forest on an enchanting beautiful winter night. Even though it was at night he could see everything in the forest.  he got lost in the deepness of the enchanting woods so lost that he wasn't in the same forest that Fred had entered.  suddenly there was a loud high-pitched scream coming from behind a big bush. Fred went to go look there was a boy about the same age as him the boy looked at Fred and got up and started running.  Fred started running after him but as soon as he started running everything went blank. then Fred was back at a beautiful clear lake. Fred saw the boy sitting alone he decided to go sit next to him. The boy looked at him he looked away like he was ashamed of something. so Fred asked what his name was he said quilty Jack then Fred asked why were you running from me Jack looked at Fred and said that he was just scared oh said Fred. then Fred was back in the snowy forest Fred looked for Jack but he was nowhere to be seen.


 so Fred started to walk back to his home but he remembered that he was not in the same forest before he was in a different one it was a bit strange there were just buildings and then he started to see people walking around then he saw rodes it was s weird then Fred had realized that he was in his town again. Then Fred decided to go into his favorite store the candy store because one of his friends worked there but when he went in the store was empty. Then he saw Jack sitting there but he blacked out again back at the entrance of the forest Fred got up and decided to look in the forest just to see if Jack was in there then he saw him so Fred ran toward Jack. then Jack was gone and then he was in the strange town again.  Jack started talking to Fred and was talking about how he was the town outcast and how they treated him horribly. Fred asked why they treated him like this Jack said that he could change the environment, teleport, and make my own places like towns and stores He was different in this perfect little town. Jack said something that shocked Fred he said that his dad was the mayor of the town and saw him as a burden and always got mad at him for teleporting, changing the environment, and making my own places. but one day a kid who was always mean to me asked if he could teleport him to the candy store and if he didn't then he would tell everyone that I tried to hurt him so I  had no choice but to teleport him but it went horribly wrong the kid went 600 feet up into the sky and umm said Jack I do not want to say more. It's fine said, Fred. Jack went back to the story and said that when it happened everyone knew it was him they looked at him like he was a monster.  it was a mistake I kept saying but nobody listened to me they just wanted me out of the town gone forever they never liked me in the first place. My bad looked at me with disgusted and grabbed me by the shirt and walked toured the forest and threw me in the forest. I was told to never leave the forest or I would be killed. I have never came back to the town but I missed the town so I made my own town when I get lonely. Fred went and hugged Jack they both started crying fred said that he would visit him every day because he was his friend.  Jack and Fred walked to the end of the forest Fred asked why Jack was changing the forest when he was in there. Jack said because he was scared that he was coming after him. then they were at the end of the forest Fred asked if Jack could come with him but Jack said no but I will see you tomorrow then Jack was gone. Fred went home and went to bed. The next Fred went to go look for Jack but did not find Jack Fred didn't understand why he couldn't find him but kept looking for Jack every day until the day Fred had bied he never found Jack. that was the story that I have been waiting to tell you until you all were old enough because you need to keep looking for Jack.    


Posted in response to the challenge Gather.



13 years old

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