Five wishes

Five chances, five wishes

For these five wishes provide an opportunity serene like silk

Yet the wrong wishes leave a bad aftertaste like spoiled milk

For every wish, there is a risk


Five dollars

Five dollars crumpled like the back of your collar

For five dollars cannot buy happiness that equivalent to calling her

Yet you wish you had spent your money on something better

Look into the cosmos or the cellar, you can't find that money you had before you met her


Five friends

Five friends, together until the end

For each friend, you can cry with and laugh with

There are also friends that say goodbye and make you want to die

Metamorphosis is a beautiful thing, it happens to all of us


Five family members

Five family members that have watched you grow and love you like there's nothing else

For five family members that watched you eat your first food from a spoon

Five turns into three and the remaining three say the two are now watching over you

They say it's true, but I still cannot feel the love


Five days

Five days have passed and the green remains in the grass

For five days can sometimes feel like five years, and five years can feel like five hours

So much can happen in five days and yet people still expect you to be the same

That is what happens when you are but a civilian in this giant world


Yet still, we fly by

Noah Carmona


19 years old

More by Noah Carmona


    Through this ocean wet.

    My voice, free to thrive.

    Sea fish within dive.

    Reach in, draw the net.


    There you are, at last…

    Tell me what you have seen…

    Tell me everything…

  • A TREE

    A tree

    A stationary tree

    The bark so righteous; its core so pure

    The leaves illuminate with the sunlight

    The roots befriend the live earth

    All as one, freely


    A human

    A cross human


    In the middle of the ocean I lie
    There is not a single cloud in the sky
    The sun beams down and browns my skin evenly
    Drying my skin like a towel, boiling my blood like tea;