
  • 2nd characters

    My second character is named Durwin. He is a calculating individual who can be a bit bashful at times. He doesn't show much emotion and has a dry, lovable sense of humor, often pointing out the obvious and taking things very literally.
  • Character no 1

    My main character is Burkett. He is a self-assured and sometimes self-centered individual.  He is very passionate and driven and has an explosive sarcastic sense of humor.
  • Introduction- J

    Well- I'm kind of late to this workshop, but it still sounds really intruiging, soooo, I'm doing it. Heyo my name is Jay, aka Treblemaker, and I'm so excited to participate in this workshop. This is the first YWP workshop i've participated in ever.
  • Animal Curses

    "I can't believe you forgot where you parked the car! We only went to the Zoo for three hours." Eva complained.
    "whale whale whale, look who's talking. You told me where to park- you should remember," her brother Leo remarked.
  • Camel's Huh?

    Wind whipping across my face,
    tiny pebbles crumbling below me,
    people surrounding me.

    I seem so small and helpless up there on the large mountain,
  • Tomorrow, I Hope

    Tomorrow, I hope adults will realize what they’ve done to this planet. Tomorrow I hope we can fix what generations before ours have done to planet Earth. Climate change is real. There are 16,306 endangered species right now.
  • Free


    It can mean so many diferent things,
    to so many people,
    and to every single one it might
    mean something different.

    It could mean having the 
    wind in your face
    whipping your hair,