The Curse of Curiosity

Unbeknownst to a presence watching me, I was in a state of deep rumination. I clench my hands in feeble fists and walked down a cobblestone path, as the rate of the large occurring sizes of stone depreciated. With every step the stones appeared more and more leveled with the ground itself. The cobblestone seemed to fade away. Then not being able to feel the rising of my feet by the stones embedded in the ground, I realized that I was just on a path, a path completely of dirt.

WHAM!—a sudden noise catches my attention, and I snap my neck instinctively to the sound. I wipe away the sulky feeling and my eyes of prickling tears, to tip toe towards a rundown shack, surrounded by dead plants and large rocks. I slowly open the door, even further, for it had been creaked open before I had gotten there. Or preferably, it slowly creaked open as I crept closer to it.

I suddenly felt confused by the atmosphere of the place. I didn't know what to think… What’s going on?

I abruptly felt weak in the knees and almost fell face first onto the soggy wooden floor. "Ack!" I exclaimed dreadfully, out of shock. I was on my knees as if I was praising someone of superiority. My shoulders only nearly held my head up, but nevertheless, had me looking downward into the holes of the patchy wood.

From my previous position, I fell on my side, my left rib now on the collectively pasted planks called a floor. Though, it was more like what was left of it. It brought me a bit of comfort at the realization that I could actually analyze this setting, whilst, withstanding and enduring this pain in my head. ...Despite the large urges to fall into unconsciousness. If only I could--  

"You." Another voice appears out of thin air and runs up my spine, causing me to shudder.

"You shouldn't have come here..."



20 years old

More by gigikelly1005