Cold Winter Air

Stepping out onto the porch

The newly fallen snow makes an achy groan as my foot imprints on it. 

I take in the first breath of outside air

And into my nose and down my throat and into my stomach

Comes a sharp gust

The wind whips and slaps my now rosy cheeks

The cold penetrates and grabs hold of me even through my many layers.

My hat keeps my ears warm

but with that comes the uncomfortable itch of the wool.

Soon every nerve in my body is tingling as though they had been asleep for a year and waited for the first snowfall to awake again.  

I sure don’t like the cold

But the frost that hangs off the branches of the trees

And the snow that outlines the details of the world

Make the chilly feeling all worth it.                                                                                          




19 years old

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