Believe in what you write!

It's hard. 
Trying to put all your thoughts onto a blank piece of paper.
What would I write?
I could write about my day!
But what would that do?
I could write about how I feel!
But who would want to read that?

As if anyone besides my family cares about what I write. 

The blank page is scary.
The thoughts going through my head about what I write are scary.

What I write WILL be judged.
What I write WILL be criticized.
But why?
I'm writing down my feelings about what I write.
What wrong with that? 

Is it good enough?
Is someone I know going to read this?
Am I writing things that shouldn't be written?

When you write, do you think these things?
I do. 
How do I stop this?

It's easy.
Be Hopeful.
What you write is amazing! 
Believe in yourself, 
Because I believe in you!

Believe in what you write! 




16 years old

More by Mrs_Mango3340