An Autumn Walk

Leaves rustle in a sudden gust of wind, sending a chill down my spine. The woods around me suddenly seem spookier. Though I'm terrified out of my mind, I keep moving through the seeminly haunted forest. A droplet of sweat trickles down my forehead even though it's autumn and only about fourty-five degrees. While I stroll through the trees, I look around frantically trying to convince myself that I'm alone, but something in my subconcious is stabbing me from the inside. You're not alone, it says. Not alone. As the sky begins to grow dark, the voice only gets louder. Watch out. Someone might be watching you. Something shifts in the leaves ahead of me and I let out a little shriek. There's a sharp pain in my left leg and I cripple to the ground. Before I have time to catch my breath, there's a deep voice that seems to say, Come with me. I'll keep you safe. The world goes black.A fluorescent light is shining in my eyes when I wake up. Did I faint? Am I still alive after last night?  I soon realize that I'm wearing a hospital gown instead of my pink windbreaker. The same voice from last night in the woods is speaking, but this time sounding more friendly. "She suffered a bit of shock, but should be fine. Oh, and her leg will need a bit of rest." There's a celebration and I realize that the people cheering are my parents. I try to sit up, but my head is spinning so fast that I can't make it without my body hurting. "Oh! Looks like she's awake! Take it easy around her th--." The man is cut off my my parents yelling questions at me including ones from 'Are you okay?' to 'Are you hungry?'          "What happened?"
          "You got mad at Dad and I and decided that you could go live alone in the woods," Mom says. We called an ambulance and the police to go find you in case you got hurt and they found you right after you stepped on a bear trap and hurt your leg." Involuntarily, I look at my leg and almost throw up. There's dry blood everywhere and it is wrapped in a huge bandage that spans from my anke to my knee. My parents smile at me, thankful that I'm okay and I smile back. My head starts to spin again from the bright lighting and I drift off to a deep, uninterrupted sleep. 



18 years old

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