Out the window, the sun lights up the world and my lack of motivation is hurting me. Without a softball season, my life has taken a lefthand turn onto Boredom Boulevard. My Chromebook is my only companion as I stare at it hours on end doing work and promising myself that I will do something good for my body. I can feel my muscles weakening by the minute and every type of physical activity makes me stiff immediately after. I know that I'm taking fun activities away from myself, but I just want to blame the Virus for everything these days. There are so many other things that I could be doing other than sitting around all day and I have regretted every minute of quarentine that I have spent watching Youtube and playing pointless computer games. Boredom is toxic. Don't let it get to you like it did to me.
Boredom is Toxic
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My Pond
Wood frogs croaking
The shiny shell of a painted turtle
Dandelion fluff floating majestically in the sky
Birds singing their hopeful songs
Grass hushing in the breeze
Smell of fresh pond air with every breath -
A Perfect Sister Moment
The sun shone brightly, illuminating the sky a bright baby blue. My childrens flipflops scraped the dirt road beneath my feet and I listened carefully to my sister as she talked.
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