
Comment Commented on Posted

Thank you, that means a lot!

First Snow 1 year ago

"I wrote it using nothing

           and something,

and a mix of these things" - love this so much! 

The Words my Mother Gave Me 1 year ago

You have uplifted me! I thought this was likely to take a downward turn at the end, citing how dark events of our recent past would next go down in history, but instead you left me feeling a touch more optimistic. I'm grateful for that. And your rhyming scheme is exceptional! 

History 1 year ago

This is such a divisive topic, but it's angering trying to understand why sometimes. We should all be united in protecting schoolchildren, and all of our fellow citizens at large. I've never been able to wrap my head around anyone's argument for their need for an assault rifle or the laws that permit them, and likely never will, so I stand united with you. Thank you for opening my eyes to some of the hard facts that haven't sunk in for me before: the exact number of kids affected by shootings, etc.

gun control 1 year ago

"Kyro" is this week's featured visual on, up now in their Life & Culture section. Everyone can check it out now, here!

Kyro 1 year ago

"Annie" is this week's featured poem on, up now in their Life & Culture section. Y'all can check it out now, here!

Annie 1 year ago

What descriptive personification! I could so easily picture Winter here as a frozen beauty of a woman, sparkling as snow does in the sunlight. 

First Snow 1 year ago

Thank you!

Second Amendment 1 year ago

elise.writer, your writing is anything but laughable! The note you ended this on, that's the right conclusion: The thing to do is carry on living -- and carry on writing! Your poetry warms our hearts, and we only wish we still published a weekly page in the Burlington Free Press. I'm sorry that opportunity is no longer available. But I love seeing that today, you wrote a poem.

a year ago today, i wrote a poem, 1 year ago

The wavy line of that shadow running through the architectural lines of this piece makes for such an eye treat! And that little person with their little bowl of food is the perfect injection of humanity and humor into an image that is stark (in the best way!) in its contrast and precision. 

Defenestration 1 year ago