Memories and the Fall From Grace

A song, by Fleetwood Mac.
Sung by Stevie Nicks.

The kind of song that evokes such nostalgia in me,
A kind of gentle pain for the memories of the past,
And a desire to embrace my future.

It creates in me a wanderlust,
A want to see the world.

It speaks to me of long drives,
And hikes in the sun,
Of spring, old life now dead and gone,
Leaving in its wake the children of memories.

One day, I will fly like Icarus.

And I, too, will fall,
But it will be a graceful fall,
A foretold fall.

It will be the descent of the mountain after the climb to the top;
The calming seas after the storm.

The natural fall from grace, a peaceful pursuit,
A descent from the stars.



14 years old

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