
I am many people and one person.

I am the poet, who sees in shades of red and orange,

Red hair and pale skin that refuses to tan under the summer sky.

That girl married her city, her people,

Unified in pain and suffering,

The people left on the side of the road, in need of a helping hand.

For so long, she was gone, overlooked,

Forgotten in a way, tormented.

But then he came along.

My boy, she thought,

Who is slow to anger and uses his magnificent words.

I know him in the fall and the winter.

I know him in the spring and the summer. 

Like an invisible thread, we float in unison together, 

Spending so many days forgotten and afraid.

You forget how to love, 

How to feel.

But he taught me to love.

My city taught me to heal.

My red, big, beating heart taught me when to stay and enjoy my final moments

Even if they are full of pain.



15 years old

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