Awoken (WIP)

A deep sleep consumed me, wrapped around all sides like a flowing stream of infinite silk.

I could see nothing, hear nothing and feel only what came from inside of me. Memories of all the lives I had lived before flooded everything I knew and all I could know.

Her tiny feet pitter-pattered over the condensation of the pebbles at the edge of the stream. A small stone ‘house’ sits perched inside a decrepit garden wall.
‘Must be a fairy house!’ With hands quickly tufted in pockets one brilliantly yellow polished stone was placed on the suspected fairies dwelling. After, though soon, her mother called her down to eat not knowing what she had started.

Pulling, on every corner of my being, a being that had started to form. I had not felt the sensation of touch in a lifetime.
To only open my eyes and see a world which makes sense, what I would give to the divine master that awoke me from thy slumber.

Cool water rushed past the soles of my feet and tickled my senses. I knew that I had returned to the realm of the humans as none other did have such unique sounds and smells. Birds singing and the sun shining its brilliant rays through the thick pine wood pulled me further and further from the void I had lived in.

Eventually the world opened up to me as I stood in the stream, turned on the soft pebbles and saw the place of my confinement; the last of all my shrines, half lost to nature and time. It seems that I have been long forgotten, though a bright yellow stone sits on the verge.

An offering, but by whom. For how long I had been in there, surely no one would think to try and appreciate a horrific god of nature. There was a reason I had been left to rot in stone, the humans preferred to keep me down, stuffed into the suffocating depths below their own precious world.


“What did you do this morning Penny?” her mother had curious eyes as her daughter had just been staring into oblivion all morning.
“Oh, I found a fairy's house, so I gave them my pretty rock.'' She seemed pleased with her good deed but didn't yet know what she had caused. 
“Where is this fairy house! I didn't even know we had one on the property, oh, we have been bad neighbours, I need to start baking a cake to give to them!” so with that an apron flew over her mothers head and the oven had been preheated.

Looking over my surroundings; a vast forested area filled with ineffable magic and curiosity. Though one light shone brighter than the others, perhaps a small temple? No, a temple would not be made of wood, it seemed to belong to the humans; ah, humans, what a lovely creature they are…

The soft earth of this green orb pleased my senses more than the pebbles belonging to the stream. I decided that the company of humans might not be too unpleasant whilst I was still weak from hibernation. So the wooden dwelling grew closer to me and the lights became more bright, the sounds of human mouths became clearer and hope seemed high in the air.


Penny’s mother sat eagerly in front of the oven so as not to burn the small cake meant for neighbours she did not have, “Oh, I do hope they like this!”.
A lanky man sauntered into the room, “I dunno Carol, if there were fairies it would have been listed on the property sale, and even if it didn’t we would have met them by now!”, but her hope would not be shattered so easily.
“Maybe they’re shy! Our last neighbours were shy!” the man sighed through discontent,
“They were nymphs, of course they’re shy! Fairies don't know the meaning of shy! Look, all I'm saying is that if they were here we would already know.”

An infernal being came into shape through the window and cast a hellish glow across the room absorbing the light. A reverse shadow is what the humans call them; something all deities behold, yet this one was more… offensive.

“Ah! Lord! P-please, be welcomed into our home!” The recently mighty man groveled on his knees trying to appease the god, so as not to receive a bad omen.


The humans inside the dwelling were different; approaching me with honour rather than hatred and disgust. This amused me and so I continued with their act.
“Why thank you kindest creatures-” a small hand gripped my being, something mortals should not do. Then, worrisome hands ripped the young child from me. Making even more noises, some of alarm, some of fear.

A delightful smell arose from the fire of the humans, perhaps their meal of choice.



19 years old

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