
I was gonna write something dark.

And depressing. 

But I'm not really in the mood to do that right now.

I dunno if the world is headed for good.

It depends on us. 

What we chose.

And I can't read minds.

I can't see the future.

I just wanna do my part.

It'll be easier when I'm famous :)

That's the hopeful, dreamer side of me.

The other, well, the other side of me tries to keep me in check.

Don't get your hopes up. They'll just fall down if it doesn't work out.

I don't like that side of me. It's boring.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. 

I don't believe that we can change the world by just wanting.

We have to do.

(I was not expecting my writing to go this way.

Full of words that try to make people hope and empower.

Who knows if that worked.

 I guess my old way of writing about deep thoughts and sentiment never could quite leave me)

To make the world better, we can't just sit down.

We have to stand up.

Posted in response to the challenge Meliorism.



14 years old

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