as fall starts rolling in
and summer slows to a stop
i like to imagine many things,
everything, nonstop
i imagine the sweet, sweet song of hooting owls after dark
i dream of chai tea lattes with pumpkin cold foam in the park
i think of how the sun's golden rays dance through my window sill
while gentle winds whisper secret songs of fun and thrill
pumpkins light up doorsteps, decorated to your desire
i sit in a sweater with my homework, on the couch, right by the fire
embracing the beauty that autumn brings
and the songs that nature sings
we find much needed love and peace
that brings our souls release
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.
I love the rhymes, it has such great flow!
thank you! i don't usually do poems with rhyming so i wanted to try something new:)
Personally a favorite autumn poem of mine now :)
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