
Weekly Challenges




Write a poem or short story that includes these five words somewhere within it: watermelon, shoreline, toadstool, fireworks, laughter.

[Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash]


  • cutting fruit

    the sound of laughter through sun-spotted trees,

    i dreamed last night we were fae frolicking 

    in rings of toadstools, in and out of trees.

    fireworks went off in my head as 

  • summer ramblings

    the horizon blurs into a mess of golden dots

    half-glowing in the early sunset, and

    the shoreline into greenish brown, swaying

    slightly and I can't tell if it's the long grass in the breeze or the angle I'm at

  • Last Summer

    Last summer

    I tried to avoid school

    but also

    tried to get myself ready

    for the big class

    for the hard homework

    the stuff that never ended up

    being a problem.


    Last summer

  • After

    I can’t think about before or now, but after, 

    after all the moaning and groaning, 

    after all the cleaning, weeding, and mowing, 

    after we cook, grill, and bake,