
Weekly Challenges

Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal in window



Write a poem with two stanzas about your favorite childhood character. The first stanza should be about what you thought of the character as a child, and the second what you think of them now. 

[Challenge created by Genos_The_Pom, YWP; Photo by Taha on Unsplash]


  • The glow of the TV

    Do you remember the time

    that you and I

    spent in front of the TV?

    We watched Disney cartoons

    and the world around us


    I remember 

    when nothing else mattered

    and we could just be.

  • When I Thought Superheroes Were Cool.

    I always thought that superheroes were so cool. Like who wouldn’t think that shooting lasers out of your eyes, having invisible jets, a car that can turn into a motorcycle, and being able to fly wasn’t cool. My 3rd grade self didn’t think so.