Teenager: In Visual Art
What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025? Tell the story visually through photography, painting, sketching, sculpture, collage, digital art or another medium.
["Self portrait" by AutumnSkyes, YWP]
THE CHALLENGE: Using the visual art medium of your choice, respond to the challenge: What does it mean to be a teenager in America in 2025? Responses can be abstract, literal, symbolic, interpretive, realistic – whatever best conveys your message. Take the challenge wherever you like in photography, painting, sketching, sculpture, collage, digital art, or another medium. What people, places, or objects tell your story?
- Open to teens, 13-19, who have a YWP account. (It's free to join!)
- Must be original work and not published elsewhere. No AI.
- No limit to number of submissions
- Prizes: Six cash prizes ($50 each) in two categories: writing and visual art
- Prize winners and honorable mentions will be published in the March issue of The Voice.
- Contest deadline: Feb. 28, 2025