


19 years old


  • Mount Cotopaxi

    Ash sprays your lungs, light starts to gray
    For the first time in your privileged life
    Not Okay
    Leave your father, trip his nurse
    Grab your kids (after the purse)
    Sprint and sprint, run with the slew
  • My Bog Boy

    My bog-boy lives out in the moors
    I slip down to visit him at night
    Velvet skies and crystal pricks of light covering my back
    Papa would whip me with willow boughs if he saw
    Mother would drag me back home
  • Caresses at Midnight

    The best writing caresses me at midnight
    Leaves fingerprints between the curve of my shoulder blades 
    Trails cool kisses down my neck
    The best writing waltzes me under the stars
    And pulls me close as they begin to sing us sonatas
  • The Name Snatcher

    The faerie flitted down from the rafters
    To perch on a girl's gold gingham gown
    It plucked up a handful of wildflowers
    And with deft fingers wove a chicory crown

    "I pronounce you queen of the faerie
  • Alaskan Summer

    Sunlight, Robert thought, is a glorious thing. Sunlight signified new days and new chances which he desperatley needed. The past few months had been a mess of dark days and even darker nights, for in an Alaskan winter, one seems to never awaken.
  • All my fault

    It's a scandal
    An outrage
    It is Extremely Innapropriate Zoe
    I Cannot Believe You Made That Decision
    I am an immoral succubus upon society
    A sorceress, a witch, a she-devil, a Lillith
    How could I?
    And with no remorse?