The Name Snatcher

The faerie flitted down from the rafters
To perch on a girl's gold gingham gown
It plucked up a handful of wildflowers
And with deft fingers wove a chicory crown

"I pronounce you queen of the faerie
A beauty to put words to shame
And I can assure they'll genuflect towards you
If only you gift me your name."

While yes, the young lass was real pretty
With blonde hair and shiny clear eyes
To judge by a face is a fatal mistake 
For she was also funny and cunning and wise

"A me without my name is no me at all
My soul bandersnached with just a word
So keep the crown and I'll keep my name
It can go on just being unheard."

At this the fae's smile turned to a grimace
"The consequence will be rather severe
We both want names to return to our homes with 
So I guess for a while you're stuck here."

No one can lie to a faerie
Or else your tongue is torn from your beak
So the girl thought for several hours
Before she opened her mouth to speak

"I am the whisper of wind in the willows
The anchor that binds a boat to the sea
My love is stronger than a father's promise
And now that I've told you my names, I am free."

The faerie's laugh turned to a startled cry
As the girl's tongue was not torn in two
"But how?" She cried, and the girl replied
"Because everything I said is true."

I am the pride in a group of lions
I'm a winter ocean, glass and serene
And someday I'll have a real ruby crown
And won't have to pretend that I'm queen




19 years old

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