


19 years old


  • Slimp - Slink limp

    Slimp away from battle, boy
    Use 2 long, 1 strong leg to carry you home
    Slimp away from battle, girl
    Duck behind bushes and around pedestals while no one's looking
    Slimp away from battle, child
  • Depression is

    Depression is a funny thing
    It's full of jams and jellies
    And it's not like feeling empty
    Boulders filling up the bellies
    Depression and I walk sometimes
    Along a well-worn footpath
    We soak our feet in misery
  • I swear

    My words will no longer drip like honey
    I swear
    My words will no longer ring like treacle
    And smell like lilles-of-the-valley 
    And hollow themselves like carving up an orange
    Soft, deliberate slices
  • Yell Fire

    Yell fire
    Yell fire Girl because if
    They catch you no one
    No one
    Will help
    Yell fire Girl because fire matters
    Fire makes people stand up and move
    Yell fire Girl because they'll have to look in your direction

  • Girl, Boy

    Girl who wears pounds of makeup because she likes the way she looks like a mermaid
    Boy who thinks she wears it for him
    Girl who wears skirts because she likes they way her toned thighs look in them
  • Monday Sunday

    I was born on a Monday
    I'm guessing it was brisk and windy
    She was born on a Sunday
    Big thunderstorm that night
    I'm prompt and punctual and smile when the big hand strikes the 9