


YWP Alumni


  • By zazu

    question it

    Mostly questions,
    That's what the music told me.
    In the street just before twilight
    You see the world through sunglasses,
    Through wine glasses,
    Through glass windows that keep you from the heat.
  • Umbrella

    A girl bought an umbrella yesterday — to protect herself from the rain.
    It was a nice thing to have it. This way she could see the rain falling all around the umbrella, but not have to get wet.
    She was protected.
  • Peace

    We can lie on our backs and gaze up at the sky,
    Let the seconds become hours,
    Allow the birds to pass by.
    Let the noises dissolve into murmurs and songs,
    Let the light on our faces keep us peaceful and calm.
  • Music on the ceiling

    The girl couldn't sleep.
    Not when there was a party downstairs.
    Not when there was music that crept under her closed door and whispered for her to stay awake.
  • Walking on a sunny day

    Yesterday I walked through a town.
    The town felt sleepy.
    Not sleepy, as in there was no one awake,
    But sleepy as in everything here seemed to move at a slower pace,
    Like the long sidewalks were just giving people the space to think.
  • A palace of words

    Scissors of light cut through the paper walls of our house.
    They zigzag across the floor and force folded shadows to emerge.
    Cutouts of snowflakes rain down from the sky and come to melt in puddles of words at our feet.