


18 years old


  • By yejunee

    the words fail me

    the words fail me. 
    sand in an hourglass, running out 
    between my fingers. 

    they flee 
    like the monsters from Pandora's jar 
    except Elpis leaves too 
    unwilling to stay 
    not for me. 
  • By yejunee

    a twin’s lament

    they brought me in to identify my twin 
    to say yes, those are my eyes 
    except they're not 
    because these eyes belong to the dead 
    and you cannot be dead 

    or maybe you are 

  • By yejunee

    genesis and revelation

    step one 
    plant a seed 
    bury it, life begins in death 
    water every day. 
    be patient. this takes time. 

    step two 
    or one and a half, if you don't feel like it 
  • By yejunee

    missing piece

    no one is missing a piece. 
    there are simply spaces 
    where other people fit. 

    (arms over shoulders, 
    heads on necks, 
    an elbow in her side, 
    your hand holding in his.)