Two complete opposites,
one as bright as the sun,
the other as peaceful as the moon.
Though they're almost never together,
when they meet, the sky becomes anomalous.
The moon, blocking the sun's blazing light, -
Zodiac Sign
Choose a zodiac sign at random and write a poem (or any other form of art) about that certain sign!
Favorite Song -
Sometimes the moon shines,
when it's late into the night,
with the stars, a guide. -
Three years in between,
When a total eclipse can be seen.
The moon and sun meet,
Two halves made into a whole,
An eclipse is complete.
The Stars
As peaceful as the gentle, quiet sea.
The stars are a guide to those who need it.
Their shimmering light shines down on the tree.
Their gentle light compared to the moonlit-
Sky is dull next to the glorious moon.
All Songs Never Sung
If you put these words to melody
would they suddenly be known?
my poems played across the world
to an audience that's grown?
I've no melody in mind
only scribbles on a page
the girls in the graveyard
in the cemetery
blood moon shining brightsomething stirs
a creature of darkness
awaiting its freedomsoon come its priestesses
bringing with them candles, incense,and knives.
The Moon Is Alone Too But It Still Shines
The moon is all alone in the sky,
it's the only thing shining when all else is dark.
In a lot of ways,
the moon is the same as a human being.
Who would have known when we met ten months ago that you would become so special, so dear to my heart?
At first, you were skeptical of my wheelchair and wouldn’t come close to me.