


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Snow Man

    abominable snowman bombastically claims
    that the edible edibles are elastic again
    and tho try as we might he brashly blazoned
    that the edible edibles are bombastic lagoons.
    your bonkers we bosted and ate the sweet treat
  • Emit Time

    Usually its the date that inspires me.
    The month.
    The stop watch.
    That is what inspires me.
    It slips through my red cracked hands
    and pases through my body like sunlight in the webs of your fingers.
  • Moonlight state

    I'm convinced that I'm nocturnal,
    My cousin is the bat.
    Although I don't hang upside down,
    I should start doing that.

    Awake all hours of the night
    And sleeping with the sun,
    I'm related to an owl,
  • One longitude Ago

    I'm older again.
    And unlike past years
    This one seems different.
    I should be wiser, better, stronger.
    I should know more, do more, be more, understand more
    And I don't.


  • Bug

    Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a bug, at least, not a common pest like moths or ladybugs, or god forbid spiders. I’m graceful, or as graceful as your children’s book describes me, and I have class.

  • Haunting Hands

    As the Cold feeling Spreads 

    Sends Shivers down the Spine 

    The Fear and Worry Pushes Through  


    But in this Frigid touch 

    Is the sense of Remebrance 

    The Sense of Love  

  • Dancing Leaves

    Its Hard to Resist

     When Seeing a Pile of Leaves 

    It Becomes irresistible  


    Jump into the Heep 

    Leaves are swirling

     The Pile is no more 


  • As the Crow Lands

    As the Crow Lands on the Grave- 

    Black secrets stir in every face; 

    A fountain in the moonbeam riven— 

    Spend her gone like an adversity.  


    The Graves began to Multiply 

  • Writers Block

    Normally words flow right out 

    Normally thoughts come running 

    Writing it down 

    Before they can run away  


    Sitting now 

    Looking around 

    Nothing running