


14 years old


  • The back of the bus

    They sit in the back of the bus,

    the shimmer of secrecy ignited in their eyes,

    her head in his lap, his hands in her hair,

    her lips twisted in that sickening smile. My neck aches 

    from looking behind me, and my

  • Rehearsal

    We're backstage, giddy with nerves and

    tired out of our minds, whisper-laughing as we mess 

    with our hair, with each other, try to put on makeup in the dark. 

  • hummingbird girl

    She's hidden, cowering in the corner,

    as she waits, mouth open,

    words frozen on her lips.

    She does not speak.

    I mold my sadness into poetry and she watches me,

    amber eyes taking in everything and nothing.

  • camp.

    If I close my eyes it feels like I'm still there.

    I can hear the clatter of plates and the clamber

    to be first in line for breakfast,

  • Sun descending in a sienna sky

    The basketball court is slick with freshly-fallen rain, black nail polish hardened into enamel after spilling weeks ago lies on my desk, forgotten and right in front of my eyes, as I watch them play that game on my tiny screen, their feet sliding

  • Realities

    She pressed the cherry into my hand,

    Smiling, it didn’t mush,

    Didn’t leak red juice all over my summer-calloused palm

    Like fake blood, too bright to be the real thing.
