


13 years old


  • The Way You Left It

    I tip toe inside carefully

    the room feels empty and cold without you here


    your faded teddy bear sleeps on your bed

    your pink sheets already seem duller

    there's still piles of smelly clothes on the floor

  • Burgeon

    *Can be read as an acrostic. I didn’t really know how to use the word “burgeon” so I’m not sure if it’s accurately described. :) 


    Bringing about

    Undefined Change

    Rotating through

    Great things

  • Callie's Chocolate

    Once upon a time, in a land of crystal blue skies, sat a chocolate shop. This land did not know of clouds, they simply didn't exist. Back to the chocolate. Callie's chocolate made chocolate known throughout the world for its creaminess.

  • Goodbye Dinos

    Some 65 million years ago, dinosaurs found themselves in the direct path of a giant asteroid. Shortly after this unfortunate realization dinos were no more. But, in that same moment, new life evolved.


    In all your sadness and glory

    Let me be there

    Own the fact I will be here forever

    Very much attached to your side

    Even when you wish me gone

    Your light will always guide my ship
