Hopelessness is an Unplucked Apple
Galore are the hung fruits.
Their ample flesh and roundness;
their cherub cheeks reddened
from the pinching of a breeze.
They are tapered to branches
dangling perfectly, prostituted
for their flavorful innards.
Fall is a Queen Bee
In the crisp embrace of my russet leaf patch,
a Queen Bee reigns supreme, Her presence unmatched.
Her saintly swarm rustles me, yet I am blessed,
for She brings forth the chilly scent of ember rest. -
Fourth Day of Sun (Her Someday Has Come)
In the prior Autumn, the air smelled of leaf carcasses
and her abundant unused potential.
In efforts to cope she wrote of downpours,
breakup boots, and predicted wasted experiences.
She rebelled against her own sense of self, yet -
An Afternoon Moon
Somewhere outside of Philadelphia,
there is a small island in a pond shaped like a boomerang.
When I tilt my chin to the heavens,
I wonder which foolish god
threw it to this barren part of earth?
Cowboy, Come Home
He is a toy cowboy on a horse
and is dragged off into the sunset
while my stuffed bunny heart
waits in the backdrop to be held.
Our God is the small Girl who hides
Rest Now, Carriage Horse
You do not have to walk with troubles,
nor carry the burden of those who abused you
through sweltering heat and bruised winters.
You will not be a worker, but an earthen animal.
Le corbeau et la femme
Je suis un corbeau avec un plumage noir. J’aime les bijoux. J’aime aller au parc. Je vois une femme avec un collier. Je veux le collier.
Alors, je fondre sur elle et prendre le collier. Je suis un content corbeau!
How do you ride a bike?
How do you ride a bike?
How do you make the wheels turn?
How do you make everything fade away?How do you let the moment
Fill you with emotion
That never leaves your heart? -
The dog at the end of my street
There's a dog that sits at the end of my street,
He snarls his teeth when we walk,
He barks with his eyes wide open,
With his eyes full of rage and love.
There's a dog that sits at the end of my street, -
Orange, yellow, and red
Swirled like a painter mixing his colors
The brush strokes, light, heavy, loud
A pallet of only the brightest colors
Distracting him from the grip of life -
The Old Dream
You sit
in the corner of my room,
stretched thin across canvas,
and frozen
in your forgotten poise.
Listening to Wind
It is September, yet
I can still hear the beach.
The sea moves and swells;
it tumbles to the shore,
dusts itself off,